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Oticon Real 1

Introducing the Oticon Real 1 hearing aids, the newest addition to the Oticon range launched in March 2023. Here are the key features and benefits of the Real 1s:


1. "Open" Sound - Unlike traditional hearing aids that focus on reducing background noise and amplifying speech, the Real 1s take an "open" sound approach, allowing for a 360-degree soundscape. This is made possible through their Deep Neural Network (DNN) technology, which was trained on over 12 million everyday sounds to detect and understand what sounds the wearer should hear.


2. Sudden Sound Stabiliser - This feature quickly reduces the sounds of sudden loud and soft noises by recognizing and distinguishing them from other sounds. Trained on 500,000 sudden sounds of everyday life, this feature reduces listening effort by 22% since Oticon More and preserves speech understanding and audibility, giving wearers better access to speech with high precision.


3. Wind and Handling Stabiliser - This feature reduces wind noise and handling sounds by switching off the microphone in the hearing aid that is picking up the most wind noise, automatically reducing it. This ultimately improves speech clarity in noise and reduces distractions from wind and handling noise.


4. Robust Technology - The Real 1s are the top technology level in the Real hearing aid range, offering all the robust technology that the Real range has to offer. This makes the Real 1s especially effective in complex hearing environments, such as restaurants.


5. Companion App - The Real 1s come with a new app called Companion, which includes features like Speech Booster, Troubleshooting, and Remote Care. The app simplifies the hearing aid experience by providing wearers with greater control and access to support.


Overall, the Oticon Real 1s offer cutting-edge technology designed to address key pains of hearing aid wearers and improve speech understanding and audibility. The Real 1s' "open" sound approach, Sudden Sound Stabiliser, Wind and Handling Stabiliser, robust technology, and Companion app make them an excellent choice for those looking for advanced hearing aids.

Oticon Real 1, 2 & 3 Hearing Aids - miniRITE R / miniRITE T / miniBTE R


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